The Effect of Water in a Square Tub on a Single Degree of Freedom Structure System by Static Load


  • Ruchira Rawat, Anupriya Ghai


Water, , Damping, Pressure, Frequency


Water in swimming pools on top of multi-storey buildings contributes to damage and failure of building structural elements during dynamic loads and earthquake loads. Various water levels, pool dimensions and dynamic load excitation will affect the structural response in the form of deformation and natural frequency of the structure. The influence of water movement can provide a damping system for the movement of the structure by utilizing the difference in the cycle of water movement and structural movement, the shape and model of the swimming pool and the water level. The magnitude of the damping system is strongly influenced by the distribution of hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces and pressures on the  wall. In the addition of water weight, the frequency of the structure reaches optimum (decreases) when the addition of water weight is 15% of the weight of the structure so that the addition of water weight of 15% of the weight of the structure will provide the optimum value of damping ratio and frequency of the structure. The damping ratio of the structure added to the weight of water is always greater than the damping ratio of the structure added to the weight of solid objects at the same amount of weight gain



How to Cite

Ruchira Rawat, Anupriya Ghai. (2022). The Effect of Water in a Square Tub on a Single Degree of Freedom Structure System by Static Load. SJIS-P, 34(1), 252–258. Retrieved from


