Algorithm and Application of Vertex Magic Total Labelling in Load Balancing


  • Manas M N, Dr H K Krishnappa


Vertex Magic Total Labelling, Load Balancing, Complete Bipartite Graphs


A novel approach to perform load balancing in distributed systems using vertex magic total labeling (VMTL) of complete bipartite graphs. Load balancing is a technique that distributes computing tasks across multiple servers to optimize resource utilization. The existing popular methods for load balancing are round-robin and least connections. However, the proposed approach aims to achieve load balancing by representing servers and clients as complete bipartite graphs and applying VMTL. Keeping the number of server nodes and client nodes in bipartite graph equal by introducing virtual clients which allows the use of fast magic squares algorithms in the computation of VMTL. The proposed method is comparable to existing load balancing approaches and has been evaluated for its effectiveness in achieving load balancing. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, making it a promising technique for load balancing in distributed systems.



How to Cite

Manas M N, Dr H K Krishnappa. (2023). Algorithm and Application of Vertex Magic Total Labelling in Load Balancing. SJIS-P, 35(1), 1499–1506. Retrieved from


