Argumentative Texts As A Strategy For Critical Thinking Development In Engineering Students


  • Eli Romeo Carrillo Vásquez


The Future of Jobs report (World Economic Forum, 2020) reveals that the analysis capacity and critical thinking will be one of the most requested work skills by the year 2025, in addition to being the one presenting the biggest relative growth in recent years.

Additionally, critical thinking (CP) is one of the soft skills that are most in demand in the labor market (Rebele & Pierre, 2019). This evidences the urgency of the development of critical thinking in the professional formative stage of students (Davies, 2013).

Likewise, critical thinking is widely recognized as one of the hallmarks of high-quality education (Kölbel & Jentges, 2017), so it has been reported that CP is directly related to educational performance (Enríquez Canto et al., 2021)



How to Cite

Eli Romeo Carrillo Vásquez. (2023). Argumentative Texts As A Strategy For Critical Thinking Development In Engineering Students. SJIS-P, 35(3), 82–89. Retrieved from


