A Crypto Algorithms for design and state Mathematical Optimization


  • Karle Sharadchandra .T, Dr. Priyanka Bhalerao


Cryptographic algorithms, Mathematical optimization, Efficiency


In the field of mathematical optimization, the integration of cryptography algorithms offers an innovative approach to design and state the optimization process. By leveraging cryptographic techniques, the design and state of mathematical optimization can be enhanced in terms of security, privacy, and efficiency. This abstract explores the potential benefits and applications of crypto algorithms in the context of designing and state representation in mathematical optimization.

One of the key advantages of employing crypto algorithms is the assurance of data security. By utilizing symmetric key algorithms, sensitive optimization data can be securely encrypted, ensuring confidentiality while being transmitted or stored. Additionally, asymmetric key algorithms enable secure communication and data integrity through digital signatures, providing non-repudiation and authentication.

Crypto algorithms also facilitate secure collaborations among multiple optimization entities. By employing secure multiparty computation and cryptographic protocols, participants can jointly perform optimization tasks without compromising the privacy of their respective data. This fosters cooperation in complex optimization scenarios and encourages the exchange of encrypted information while preserving confidentiality.



How to Cite

Karle Sharadchandra .T, Dr. Priyanka Bhalerao. (2023). A Crypto Algorithms for design and state Mathematical Optimization. SJIS-P, 35(1), 1516–1519. Retrieved from http://sjis.scandinavian-iris.org/index.php/sjis/article/view/745


