A study on modern medical imaging analysis techniques for predetection of osteomalacia in women


  • Kumari Shilpa


Dual energy X-beam Absorptiometry (DEXA), Active Shape Model (ASM), Support Vector Machine (SVM), MRI images, Bone Mineral Density (BMD).


This research work presents a relative comparison of a multitude of novel medical image analysis procedures that is directed towards detecting osteomalacia-like conditions in women at an early stage of the disease. Four image analysis techniques have been invented for study of magnetic Resonanse Imaging (MRI) files. Apart from that an analysis of the food and daily life routine of  the subjects have been carried out. The methodology of analysing DEXA images utilizing SVM classifiers have been improved by using the proposed methods. In another method have been developed that identifies condition related to osteomalacia by fuzzifying the model of predicting the disease. Int the next method a procedure to identify and classify osteomalacia in women have been developed using Active Shape Model (ASM). The fourth work is based upon identification of early stages of osteomalacia by analysis of femur images in women of varying age groups. In the end, a comparison of the developed techniques to identify osteomalacia have been carried out through submission of results.




How to Cite

Kumari Shilpa. (2023). A study on modern medical imaging analysis techniques for predetection of osteomalacia in women. SJIS-P, 35(3), 809–829. Retrieved from http://sjis.scandinavian-iris.org/index.php/sjis/article/view/770


