An Evaluation Of High-Energy Batteries For Light-Duty Electric Vehicles From A Technical Perspective


  • P.Sathish, B.Chandra Mouli, S.Rajesh, V.Rajasubramanian, R Masilamani


Transportation accounts for a significant and rising share of world energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 emissions from the combustion of carbon-based fuels in vehicles account for 24% of global energy-related emissions, and transportation's share of global greenhouse gas emissions is expected to approach one-third in the coming decades unless significant changes in transportation energy requirements or carbon intensity are made [1,2]. Transportation energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions might be decoupled by substituting low-net-carbon energy carriers for fossil fuels. Electricity generated from renewable, nuclear, or fossil fuels with carbon capture is one alternative for supplying low-carbon energy for transportation. However, without a practical technique of transmitting power directly to moving cars, electric energy must be distributed through other means. The light-duty transportation energy service, battery performance criteria for usage in a successful light-duty electric car, and current research toward novel high specific energy battery designs are all discussed in this study. Fundamental study might pave the way for a large technological advancement in battery specific energy, which could help battery-electric cars reduce global greenhouse gas emissions dramatically.

Light-duty vehicles offer a unique energy service by giving direct access from point A to point B at a reasonable pace. Light-duty vehicles account for the bulk of global travel and more than 85% of travel in the United States [3,4]. As more of the world's population has access to contemporary transportation technologies, the percentage of global mobility done by light-duty vehicles is predicted to rise. Light-duty vehicles must be able to go defined distances without refuelling and must have enough power to complete manoeuvres needed by current transportation infrastructure. The energy service that light-duty cars offer may be assessed by looking at normal driving cycles and statistical data about their use.



How to Cite

P.Sathish, B.Chandra Mouli, S.Rajesh, V.Rajasubramanian, R Masilamani. (2024). An Evaluation Of High-Energy Batteries For Light-Duty Electric Vehicles From A Technical Perspective. SJIS-P, 36(1), 30–35. Retrieved from


